Tuesday, December 28, 2004Y
waHhhhhhh!!! T.T
sad.. cos this fri is the last episode of inuyasha they going to show on central already!!! argh!!!!!!! :( awww.. why they let us fall in love with this show den only have it taken from us? waHhhhhhh... boohoohoo.. T.T it's so sad!! argh.. nvm.. at least i can still read the story.. hahaha.. u noe the more i see the story.. the more i'm unsure of which character is my favourite.. cos they all sooooo cute in their own ways!! hahaha.. in the end i got no choice la.. den stick to my original choice which is inuyasha!! hahahha well.. i'm getting the idea that he's ever more stupid den kyou.. hahhahahha! :P
yest went j8 with them.. them as in jj, pot, ym and stupid kq.. to eat LUncH and exchange present.. in the end? i think we sort of ate an early afternoon tea.. bleahs.. cos they all soooooo LATE!!!!!! first in place is not jj! it's kq.. know why i put a stupid in front of her name now? she's like late for 2hrs.. pot n ym.. late for around 1 hr.. jj.. 1/2 an hr.. me? think i was even early.. see la.. i must pay $2 for staying too long inside the mrt station and kq onli bought some sweet for us.. -.- pig la.. sian.. but yest quite fun also.. so long nv come out together.. the five of us..
ate in cafe cartel.. where kq's fren is working there.. he even got some cheese cake to give kq.. haha next time must get some of my frens to work in restuarents.. den can get some freebies.. hahaha the food v nice.. hehehe anyways.. ym's my 'santa' and she bought me a v cute lion and a taurus keychain.. hehe and pot, ym n kq got give us cards.. me n jj no give.. lols.. nvm la.. maybe next yr? lols tahnks for the gifts!! :) 1 more addition to the softtoys u all'd given me over the yrs.. hahaha ;)
-wOw.. uR faCe gLowS! dO i sEE haPpinEss sEepInG oUt frOm U?-
8:06 PM
Friday, December 24, 2004Y
i dunno why.. but when i was reading newspapers today earlier.. a sense of emptiness overwashed me.. it's like my stomach turned empty.. i dunno how to explain the feeling.. like i've something unaccomplished like that.. then i started to look back to see wad i've left undone.. i've read finish my book.. eaten my breakfast.. think also my lunch.. there's really not much tv shows which i can watch.. then i recalled about inuyasha.. maybe cos i was so crazy over the anime the past few days and now nothing moves up to take the feeling? leaving me feeling empty? arh.. heck.. i dunno why i'm explaining.. i dun quite understand it myself..
haiz.. and of cos there's the hw which i definitely have to do.. think i'm going to be quite busy next week.. argh!! why does things have to be like this? i hate HW!!! dun think i really hate sch that much.. it's the hw that i hate.. :( and now i've got no books to take my mind of things.. i'd finished all the books i'd borrowed from the library on mon.. that's so sad.. cos i really like to read something now.. mom's bugging me about hw too.. i still dun feel motivated to go do it.. cos i know the more she bugs me.. the more irritated i'd get and i won't bother about hw already.. haiz..
i dunno why but i'm such a LAZY BUM!! argh!!! life sux.. okay maybe it's the hw part that sux.. hehehe weird huh? i'm starting to feel cheerful alreadys.. ah.. feelings.. these things come and go like the wind.. -grins-
-wHy Isn'T tHerE maGic In ThiS wOrLd?-
8:06 PM
Wednesday, December 22, 2004Y
woah.. my leg hurts..
aiya.. today at lib hors.. nv get a chance to sit.. and have to stand for 6 hrs!! argh.. leg hurts very much.. hais.. got lots of things to do.. have to go put my pillow cases and my mom'd been bugging me about my hw.. i noe i noe.. i still haven do alot.. but i really v busy this week la.. got the stupid lib cip.. ok ym.. if i still din do my gp this weekend den i owe you an icecream.. since i so broke nowadays.. that has to motivate me! lols.. and i have to meet jj to do hw together also.. preferably not at the lib la.. i sick of going there everyday already..
now i'm going to be super considerate to the libraians already.. for i noe how tiring it is to work there and keep shelfing and shelfing non stop! and the librarians all so nice to us.. hehehe they saw we very tired then keep telling us to do slowly.. wahahaha.. aiya.. no time le.. i'd better go put my pillow cases or my mom'd kill me.. LOLS! :P
-thE sUn gOes uP fiNaLLy.. aNd I'm fLyinG-
8:47 PM
Tuesday, December 21, 2004Y
i'm no poet..
the wind blows from the far far north..
it's bitter cold.. so cold..
it cuts my skin and chills my bones..
but it does nothing to my already frozen heart..
is it me or are you putting a gap between us?
am i too shallow to understand?
or is it that i cared too much?
-brr.. i hope the sun rises soon-
10:53 PM
hmmm.. librarian for a week? gees..
this 2 days doing cip at lib.. very tiring.. luckily got fren pei2 me or else v boring.. stand till lags v painful.. but u noe hors.. as i found out today.. working at the lib really got alot of benefits.. wahahaha i was helping out at the place.. u noe the bookdrop there.. actually is got ppl manually return n sort out those books.. and u noe la.. i happened to help out there for a while.. and.. i saw inuyasha's comic!!! AH!!! i wanna borrow!! but.. cannot la.. cos working.. but very happy.. cos now i noe lib got the books.. next time will go and borrow.. :) the librarians also see the books they like n read there.. haha
yest 4j's dinner very fun.. although onli sit around n watch tv or eat thingy.. but we celebrated pot's bdae in advance.. lolx.. hey pot u happy? wahahhaa the prez nice? mi n ym v scare u wun like.. haha spent super long time choosing.. stupid kq last min cant go and jj is busy.. hehe dun care abt them.. oh no!! they still owe me $$!!! hmmmpt stupid kq.. ;) y not on next mon the 2 of u treat me to lunch as well? since u all owe me $$.. wahhahahaha oh ya pot.. happy birthday again!! :P
i finally put up inuyasha's pic on my blog le!!! hehehe he's cute right? :P so shuai.. ok la.. i agree that his bro more shuai cos inu's more boyish.. lolx sad la.. my blog that space too small so the pics are abit cut off.. but nvm la.. still v nice.. haha! btw jj.. i haven told u abt the super cute+funni parts of inuyasha la.. but u noe me alot abt other anime.. haiz.. i wish i got $$ lehs.. den can buy vcd n watch.. cos i missed the beginning of inuyasha and i noe when sch reopens i sure cant watch le.. hmmm.. sad!!! anyways.. i'll still like him! :)
just now watch the zoe tay's "ah jie you xi le" show.. quite nice lehs.. v funni.. her interview with the person.. forgot her name la.. anyways quite nice.. hai.. missed half an hour of "jie da huan xi" today cos did 1 more hr of cip till 7.. cos on christmas eve lib going to close at 5pm.. and we cant do till six.. so today make it up.. hehe think i wanna buy the i-weekly tml also.. den can noe story of lots of show.. hehe however.. depends on whether the cover pg is nice anot also la.. hehe.. so sad must wait till thurs den can watch inuyasha show.. cos tml although got show my mom wanna watch another show on ch. 8..
-U dO u bReaK mY hEarT oVer aNd OveR aGan?-
8:47 PM

Inuyasha!!!!!!!!!! :)
8:43 PM

Inuyasha becomes human!! so Shuai!! wahahaha
8:43 PM

Inuyasha with Kagome! wahahha so sweeet..
8:40 PM
Sunday, December 19, 2004Y
oh my!! inuyasha!! hahaha
hmmm.. decided to dedicate this entry to my growing interest in manga/anime.. hehe maybe i should tell u about when it started right? haha i think it's like last yr.. ya should be.. when me sis borrowed the manga "love hina" from her friend.. b4 that think i nv read any manga b4.. eH? think so.. since my mem so bad.. but should be la.. then there's the "fruits basket" wich she also borrowed from her fren this yr.. den some anime i saw on tv mobile which i cant catch the title.. but it's nice anyways.. then "one piece" which i again caught on tv mobile.. -grins- den it's another manga.. call wad "ba4 wang2 ai4 ren2".. den it's "the twelve kingdoms" and "inuyasha"!!! wahahhaha think that's about it..
maybe i should tell u about these stories right? starting with "love hina".. it's kind of like a love story about an enemies-turned-lovers couple.. very cute and funny.. "fruits basket" is about this family whose members were cursed to turn into animals in the 12 zodiacs when hugged by the opposite sex.. funny think about it is that there's a cat too.. wahahahhaha ah jia!! or in kyou in jap/eng.. hehehe the anime which i dunno the name.. is abt some girl who got sucked into the past.. aiya quite complicated and anyways very nice!! i love the opening theme song.. eH? or issit the ending 1? aiya cant rmb le.. both are nice.. but think is the ending 1 SUPER nice!! or the opening one.. AH!! dun care le..
was reading more about inuyasha's story.. but bleahs.. feel like vomitting.. think i read too long.. will stop now.. i always feel like vomitting when i read something for a very long time and the something is quite boring.. hehehe eH? am i saying inuyasha's story is boring? aiya i'm just saying those few episodes la.. cos too long!! ah.. i'm impatient.. so many unnecessary things.. bleahs..
where was i? telling u abt the manga i read n the anime i watched? haha.. "one piece" is a very cute story!! about a group of pirates going to find a treasure call 'one piece'.. den alot of things happen along the way.. "ba4 wang2 ai4 ren2" is a manga which my sis'd just borrowed from her fren b4 she went for the hongkong trip.. not funny.. quite sad story about a hei1 se4 hui4 leader and a jap highschool girl.. :) then "the twelve kingdoms" about this girl who's a queen in one of the twelve kingdoms in the ancient world.. but somehow she got blown away to the modern world.. aiya quite complicated la.. u'll have to watch it urself.. "inuyasha" is about this half demon half human guy who so damn cute!!! wahahhaha inuyasha's he's name la.. basically the story is about how he n his 'girlfriend' kagome and some other friends going around to find some sacred crystal and their enemy call naraku..
i fell in love with inuyasha!! wahahhaha kind of like the time i fell in love with kyou.. but it's long ago la.. they quite identical actually.. both so shuai.. associated with animals(kyou changes into a cat and inu is a dog demon.. haha!).. both bad tempered(which is why they're SOooOo cute!).. and kind of stupid la.. hahaha!! i admit i really love kyou.. still love him.. but the crazy phase for him is over already.. cos so long since i last read "fruits basket".. now i'm crazy over inuyasha!!! hopes he and kagome can be together.. too bad for kyou since the girl he likes apparently likes another person.. wahhahaha but kagome likes inu so it's different.. and he's so cute!! and stupid.. whahahahaa
ok la.. u all have to watch the show b4 u'll know why i like him.. if u start now.. maybe u wun quite understand the story though.. although it's definitely easier to understand than the "twelve kingdoms".. form 11pm-12pm on wed, thurs and fri.. hehehe both the anime i mean.. one after another.. :) funni.. i onli like kyou n inu from all those manga/anime i read/watched.. haha.. maybe i like violent+stupid guys? no la.. cos their actions+facial expressions
VERY VERY VERY cute! hahaha i'll upload the pics of inuyasha later.. cos he's so CUTE!! :P and i really REALLY like anime and mangas!! hehehhee oh forgot.. i LOVE "spirited away" too.. it's a movie so i forgot to add inside.. hehes.. bai2 long2 v Cute also!! but not the violent+stupid type of cutness la.. he's v kind n serious and of cos so shuai.. wahahhahaa.. actually if the anime is in jap i think nice lehs.. dunno y.. sounds better? :P
6:17 PM
Friday, December 17, 2004Y
geez.. i'm back! FINALLY!! haha
gosh.. geuss wad? i'm still here!! wahahhaa cos i was pretty sure that i was dead by the time i returned from camp on wed afternoon.. really la.. the camp was sooo.. how to say? torturous that it's killing me every single sec i was there.. BLEAHS!! maybe not every single sec la.. only when we're playing those stupid games and when it's sleeping time.. sleeping time? shocked? cos it's supposed to be the best time already cos we finally get to sleep right? well it's not true for me.. cos i din get to sleep at all.. ARGH.. sleeping there's a torture!! ok.. will talk about that later.. my comp spoil already.. :( got virus.. still can use la.. but half way will ownself shut down.. very stupid sia.. wad if i typed till half way and it suddenly shut down?? :( boohoohoo.. why like that?? now cant even go play maple already la.. n my lvl so slow.. can only faster type finish this thing then the comp nv shut don den i v happy le.. -.-
for safety purposes.. i'd saved the previous paragraph in microsoft word.. wahahhaa lame la.. but if i have to retype everything.. i'll die lor.. ok.. maybe not die.. shoudn't keep saying that word.. not very auspicious.. haha.. did i spell correctly? aiya.. dun care le la.. :P will continue to save paragraph by paragraph.. hehe.. just to play safe..
hmmmm.. the camp hors.. really *bad* la.. oopss.. did i just said that? hmmm.. hope no1 from co will see this then.. if they saw it den.. i've got nth to say also la.. not fun at all mahs.. made us go there like 9am.. then did nth except sit around and slack for more then half an hr.. then start to tell us to pack up the room.. wad a waste of time.. i should've come at around 10 la.. den wun be so tired.. -.- den play wad double wacko.. it's really like wacko except ur fate is in other ppl's hands la.. veryvery stupid.. in the end i have to do forfeit with my SL.. xiaohui.. cos she's the last 'wacker'.. den i got wacked.. argh.. how to explain? anyways.. very humiliating la.. have to use our butts to spell out the word "saco".. den we got separated into groups la..
my group got only 1 other guy from erhu section!! and he disappeared the instant we got separated into groups and only returened on the third day.. the rest of the ppl? dunno them.. okay.. maybe not dunno.. got liwen n feiling.. both from rvco 1.. but aiya.. feiling also keep disappearing.. and both of them in commitee den wun keep joining my group.. haiz.. anyways it's v sianz la.. n my group's the samallest la.. onli got like 7/8 ppl with like 4/5 of them in exco.. -.- we're supposed to come up with some performance as a group to perform during the next day's farewell party.. thought of something like a skit la.. but in the end the performance thingy is cancelled.. it's just SOOO like them la.. last min will cancel everything hors? ...
veryveryvery stupid.. after that got sectionals.. which we slacked though it.. den? wad? games la.. sian la.. their games not fun 1 la.. got wad using spoon to carry marbles over some tables.. and wad finding macoroni in some flour and use them to form words.. den got wad walking through some squares using exactly 10 steps.. den the most stupid 1.. tangle ourselves up and aim some pingpong ball though some hole to earn 3 secs to try to untangle ourselves.. my group onli have 5 ppl.. how to tangle? in the end very fast fin the game.. at night.. guess wad we do? no prizes if u get correct though.. we played concentration n murderer.. it's like the whole camp we've been playing these two games over n over again.. den me n my frnes went boys' toilet to bathe.. the boy's toilet is so much cleaner n and bigger than the girls' 1!! talk about zhong4 nan2 qing1 nü3.. den.. we... went.... to..... sleeePp..
sleep? ya right.. they wanna watch butterfly effect.. and go and on the tv till SOOOOOO loud.. and the lights.. so bright.. i went to sleep at 12+ and end up falling asleep onli at 2+!!! argh!! felt like dying then.. i really cant slleep if there's any lights on or when there's too much noise.. no matter how tired i was!! :( the sec night was even worse.. think i sumhow managed to fall asleep at around 2+ and i got waked at around 3.. cos they were talking so loudly!! playing cards.. mad sia.. so late still play dai di.. -.- keep waking and everything.. cant even have a good night's rest.. and they have to wake us up so early.. even though we have combine practice at 9.30 it also wasn't too late to wake at 8.30 right? thnk i sleep in sleeping bag is really that comfortable ars? only too tired..
haiz.. the sec day is slacking day.. keep just sitting around and playing poker cards.. if not den is concentration or murderer.. haiz.. SIANZ!!! so boring.. veryvery slack.. the onli good thing that came out of tha day is the combined prac and the sectionals.. those were even more fun than anything they'd planned for us.. and of cos.. the cake which the bought for the farewell party for our teachers-in-charge was pretty tasty too.. wahahahha den nth much likable already.. oh.. and we had pizza for dinner.. :) but nth can be as bad as when it's sleeping time.. remind me to bring ear plugs and eyes cover for the next camp.. or maybe.. i'ld just not turn up for the whole thing.. it's really draining me.. till today i still feel the tiredness.. in my bones.. the acheing i had when i slept on the floor.. hmmmm if only i can sleep as well as the rest of them in the camp.. than maybe.. i wun hate it so much..
think i'm writing an essay already la.. hmmm yesterday very happy.. cos went iceskate with pot n ym.. hehhe finally managed to go.. so fun!! hehe too bad kq n jj cant go.. so long nv the five of us go out together le.. hmmm oh ya!! i forgot to give jj the secret santa thingy.. hehehe wil try to give her later.. anyways.. yesterday was very fun la.. although only go round n round in circles.. hehehe but still v fun.. ym improved alot lehs.. ccan dun hold anybody n walk alone.. hehe.. good good.. dun need me to take care of her le.. wahhaha saw kq after we skated fin.. she din change.. *grins* good thing right? wahahha hmmm ok la.. think i'd better end here.. v lucky.. haven shut down yet.. the comp.. hehe :) but i'd better dun take my chances.. :P very weird huh? i talk alot abt unhappy things and yest so happy wrote so little? hehe..
-mAybEe sOmetImEs U dUn haVe tO saY eVeryThIng Out anD thEy'LL sTiLL U'rE haPpy?-
1:36 PM
Saturday, December 11, 2004Y
haiz.. very sad u noes.. very very sad.. very very very sad.. partly cos of the stupid CO camp.. partly cos i cant play maple.. but mostly.. cos of my mom.. she's always scolding us.. ok la.. maybe i really din do my hw la.. wasn't productive at all.. din go wash my sch bag in the end even though i meant to wash it today.. really nv do hw.. come back from CO den play maple.. got bathe in the middle la.. but sort of got glued to the comp already.. hmmmpt.. maybe.. like she said.. chen2 mi2(addicted) to the game already.. bbut.. i just dun underdtand la.. why must she phrase everything she says into words that are like daggers to my ears..
scold scold scold.. or else take out the cane to threaten us.. like evrything we do is incorrect.. maybe we really played too much.. but cant she phrase it nicely? like say we must not play so much.. at least do some hw den can play.. y must she sound like she cant wait to skin us alive? like it gives her pleasure to use the cane on us? ARGH!!! she's always like that la.. ya la.. maybe i always push my hw till quite last min.. but she dun have to keep saying me till like that right??! hmmmpt.. i'm going to do hw tml!! it'll show her!! hermp!!! moreover she set limits on when we can on the comp already.. well since she bought this comp.. what can i say? i can only imagine.. like 5 yrs later.. i have my own comp and can play games.. wahahaha.. it'll be so great!! or maybe after A's next yr? she'll have nth to say already.. cos no more irritating HW!!! yay!!!!!!!!
come to think of it.. i really din do much this hols.. the only think i think i managed to accomplish is i finally packed up my desk.. and this is due to the tremedous pressure mom'd been putting on me since the start of the holidays.. maybe i can onli work under pressure? i dunno.. it certainly seems that way.. hehes.. since my table is cleared of rubbish i think i'd be quite possible for me to start on my hw tml.. haha! i think i'll start on GP.. or chem.. not math though.. hate it.. dunno how to do anyways.. have to have ym beside me.. wahahhaa.. my 'tutor'? sry la.. bothered u alot the last time we did hw together.. :P have to meet more.. cos my math alot of hw.. wahahhaa.. haiz.. my fren asked me to go lib do cip with her nextnext wk for 1 whole week.. so really must pia hw this week le..
damn the CO camp.. wasting my presious time!!!
stupid la.. co camp.. must hand in $15(so much!!!) den still must bring at least $10 for the period of the camp.. wah seh.. they really think we're so rich ar? bleahs.. den must bring so many tee shirts.. and sleeping bag.. think they're going to play ALOT of
stupid games!!! really la.. say wad training camp.. put so many games for wad? sianz lor.. and split up into groups.. wad if i end up in some lousy grp? Eeee.. and
THREE days lehs!!! so many and must sleep in sleeping bag!! i'm SOOO going to miss my bed! ALOT! haha.. and u noe wad's the worst thing? i'm going to miss "jie1 da4 huan1 xi3" for
TWO days!! OMG!!! so
MANY!! sianz lohs!! and the plot getting more n more exciting!! i'm becoming to hate sat n suns u noe.. no nice tv shows to watch.. haiz.. not like pot have cable.. think she changing to a tv freak already.. the luxury of having cable.. -jealous- :p wahahhaa
hmmm only 8.47 now.. and i ran out of things to do already.. cos i almost fin updating this entry already.. maybe i should go do hw? BLEAHS!! I DUN WAN!! hahhaa hmmm or start on trying to make a blogskin myself? *grinss* well think i'll take advantage of ppl not snatching the comp from me and go research abit.. hehes!
-nEveR gIvE Up.. nO maTteR hOw cLoOsE U'rEe frOmM faILurRe-
8:14 PM
Friday, December 10, 2004Y
what are u staring aT?
sianz.. maplestory cant play now.. very sad.. but the 9 o'clock show also start le lehs.. haha.. i still using com.. but dun care la.. finally chased away my bro.. so use lors.. he use quite long already also mahs.. no la.. actually i used longer.. cos he got harmonica in the afternoon.. and i was at home playing.. haha! :P but actually nth to update about.. just come crap abit la.. since maple cant play.. and feeling super sad cos tml got CO.. haiz.. these few days.. i keep waking up and thinking that day is sunday.. dunno why.. maybe cos if it's sunday den the next day got CO camp and i was dreading it? haha! anyways.. i REALLY REALLY dun wan go CO camp la.. sad.. but no choice.. hmmmpt.. my section very funny.. everytime we go there den will discuss how to get out of the camp.. like faking stomachache.. or go abroad.. haha.. but how to whole section disappear like tat? den they suggest we say we go marina bay eat steamboat and got food poisoning together.. hahhaa!! oooopps.. did i just say that? eH? i din mean to leak everything out.. hehe.. but i dun think anyone will see la.. *winks*
pot's trying to change her blogskin again.. ;) and she's meeting with some.. i mean onli abit of problems la.. very very little lors.. haha but the skin she's changing to.. is very nice! hehe.. so.. wish her good luck den! :) hmmm.. it's been thundering for a longlong time already.. and getting super windy.. hope it rains soon.. hehhe! then will be very cooling.. ooh yes!! rain already.. hehehe and it's raining hard! hmmm think i update till here le.. need to help pot with her bloggiee.. lols!
-nEveR LeaVe mEe aLoOnE aGainNn.. I jUst caNt sTaanD iTt!-
8:58 PM
Thursday, December 09, 2004Y
eH? aiya.. just cant think of better titles for my entries le.. hehe.. 2 days nv update.. cos erm.. like yest right.. got CO and till quite late.. and dad was using during the night.. so too bad lors.. den b4 that.. is go watch the incredibles!!! wuth JAWY! hehe.. after the show.. dunno y walkwalk till v long.. 6+ abt 7 den reach home.. hahas! incredibles
VERY VERY NICE!!! hehehe really la!! i wanna update on tues 1.. after i watched incredibles.. dedicate 1 entry to it.. hahhaa!! but cant use comp that day.. so too bad lors.. anyways.. now too lazy to wrte much about the movie.. except that it's VERY SUPER NICE!!
INCREDIBLE!!! haha.. love the show.. and all the characters..
haiz.. i super broke now adays le.. that day on fri right.. last fri.. got the CO cip rite.. den hors.. went to eat dinner.. and they wanna eat pastamania! -.- ok la.. so we go lors.. den ordered the creamy chicken spagetti.. bleahs! very disgustingly creamy.. din finish it.. wad a waste of $$!! den on tues.. which is the day i went to watch the incredibles.. they wanna eat pastamania too!! ARGH!! my $$ all fly away!! and i'm beginning to hate pastamania already.. pastamania it is not.. pastamakememad it is!! Eewww.. not nice at all.. and yesterday.. they wanna eat pizza hut!! dun understand why are the CO ppl so rich la.. keep eating hao3 liao4.. hmmmpt.. so now super broke!! i wish i have some job.. hmmm
today went out do hw with ym.. actually end up talking alot.. the lib very few ppl.. we went to the je lib mahs.. den dunno y la.. very few ppl.. and din get chased away.. aiya.. i was distracted by the tv and took so long to write everything.. now v late le.. think i'd better go sleep le.. hehehe! dad said he wanna use.. but so late le.. haiz.. ope he wun tired himself out..
-It rEaLLy hUrtS! whEn hE LefT wIthOuT sAyInG gOodbYeE-
8:35 PM
Monday, December 06, 2004Y
back from holidays! :)
yawn.. so tired.. just now 8+ wanna update 1.. den dad go and say wanna use.. so cant update.. den when he left.. the blogger suddenly cant use.. so stupid.. den now finally can use.. den i keep talking/chatting with pot.. hmmm v sianz la.. so late already.. think i'll make this entry shorter la.. cant give too many details le.. or have to type till tml le.. haha!!
just now my SL smsed me n say tml got cip lehs.. siao la.. now den say.. like almost 11.. den i receive the sms that say tml meet at 10 at orchard..just like tat.. suddenly decide to tell us.. i obviously cant make it la!! already made plans with JAWY already mahs.. to watch the incredibles.. haiz.. for this movie hors.. we like plan for so long la.. all keep last min cant make it den change date.. so i told SL that i not going cip tml.. who ask them so last min decide.. tot they said dun wanna go do cip already.. sianz.. haiz.. den huijun.. her eye dunno y swollen.. den prob tml cant come! ARGH!! y liddat!!????!! so SAD!!!!! but maybe.. if we pray hard.. maybe she'll be ok by tml? i hope.. really really hope so!!! HAIZZZ!! still have super many pins to sell!! anyone!! i begggg you.. PLEASE PLEASE buy from me!!! eH? kq n jy still owe me 1 pins each hors.. tat time said will buy.. dun care!!!
very tired.. on sat wake up at 5.45am.. SO EARLY!! cos we taking my godfather's car to KL.. cos my dad got something on in the morn n have to set off later.. den hors.. the whole way to KL hors.. my cousins super SUPER
SUPER NOISY la!!! keep screaming n talking n singing.. cant even rest.. so very tired when reached there.. den after tat still go sunway lagoon play.. go swim there.. till like 6pm den go back.. ohh btw.. we stayed in my youngest n
richest uncle's semi-D house la!! it's SOOO BIG N NICE!! all marble n glasses everywhere.. think have 5/6 bed rooms and 5 bathrooms.. so new n beautiful!! hehe oh ya.. den back from sunway lagoon.. mom still drag me to go shopping!!! i'm like.. so very tired la!!! hmmmmpt.. legs v pain also..
den on sun.. we go genting.. go outdoor themepark.. SO MANY PPL!!! cant even play anyth.. in the end.. onli like.. sat 3/4 rides.. cos the queues really too long already la! we reach that time is like 2+ already.. that explains the crowd i think.. but really is too many ppl already! last time like not so many 1 lehs.. aiya.. i also dunno la.. den not fun at all lors.. after dinner.. went indoor themepark.. cos rainning.. and cant go out.. den walked to the indoor themepark.. such a long way.. in the end din play anyth also.. my uncle n the kids went back to the hotel 1st(tell u about the super
LAN hotel later..).. den me n tian n ahboy go shop for bigky's prez in first world.. alot of shops.. hehe.. quite nice the place.. walked till legs v pain.. den found a pair of very nice earrings!! hehe maybe later i go take a pic of it n put it here.. :)
the hotel hors.. SUPER LOUSY!! cos we nv book the hotel up there.. we booked the apartment thingy.. cos my aunt knows the owner mahs.. so easier to book.. den very lousy there.. like 1000 yrs nv clean already.. full of dust.. and the toilet..
YUCK! hmmm.. the toilet floor so damn cold la.. cant even bathe there.. cos it's either cold water or hot water.. cold is very cold.. hot is super hot.. so how to bathe? Eeee.. still shiver when i thought of that place.. the bedspreads hor.. dunno if got wash anot.. i dun dare to sleep there.. and the blanket so smelly!! i rather wear my jacket to sleep.. keep waking in the middle of the night.. think i slept better in my dad's car when we're on our way back to singapore just now.. i think it's one of the worst trips i had in my life to genting..
glad to be home!!! :) think i go sleep le.. 12+ le.. very tired le.. hehe nites!! cant wait to get onto my bed.. hahas.. haiz.. still feeling somewhat guilty about not doing cip tml.. but dun care la.. i think i surely cannot sell much pins also 1.. haiz..
please buy 1 pin for charity!!! wahahhahaa
-nOpLacE's bEtTer ThaN hOmE-
10:46 PM
Thursday, December 02, 2004Y
actually happy but now sad!! ARGHH!!
u noe y? cos i on the com and wanna use the time to blog right.. den 1001 ppl come n surround me.. basically my sis la.. or say.. my sisterSSSS.. dun u think it's super weird when u typing n then they're there to see wad u typing.. aiya.. dunno how to explain the feeling la.. just.. super uncomfortable with them around lors.. and hor.. they will keep making me do things that i dun wanna do.. cos i wanna blog mahs!! n my sis she wanna go maple story.. siao la.. arghhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!
hmmmm.. maybe i was a bit harsh la.. hehes.. ok.. back to wad i was going to say.. hehehe!! did u guys catch the singapore idols yesterday night? TAUFIK WON!!! BooOom bAnnG BomBb!! set of fireworks.. open some champange!!! hahhaa!! he can really sing!! and i SOOOOOOOo gald he won.. not that sylvester din do well yesterday.. i think he sang "i dream" quite well.. but.. dunno lehs.. i still like taufik better.. haha! but yesterday's show is really great la.. though the other 9 finallist like v 'zuobo'.. hehe actually i got alot of things to say 1.. but noe.. like nth much to say le lehs? hahhaha!!!
now going to make my paragraphs shorter.. so at my blog wun seem like 1 whole chunk of words.. lol.. yesterday hors.. very unlucky lehs.. cos have to go CO.. and my leh right.. got injured that day i went swimming wad.. den wear the shoes.. v painful la.. so cant walk too fast.. den my ezlink got no more $$.. so have to topup.. in the end late for like 20-25 mins lor.. haha! and yest.. the instructor was 1hr late.. and every1 slacked in CO room.. including the pres.. haha! he come late n leave early.. so we got released 10mins early too.. veryvery slack.. haha!
jj is online!! hehe.. been talking to her for like 15 mins le.. she telling me all about maplestory.. which i finally managed to install and can play le!! haha! so fun.. actually yest is like i sort of watching sg idol n my bro playing at the same time.. lols.. i v blur about the game.. and she say so many things.. interesting.. found out why she wasn't online for so many days le..cos she at work!! haha got attachment at dunno where.. i knew it.. but forgot.. lols.. and pot went holiday.. i dunno till ym told me.. haha! so blurr.. jj went offline le.. she says she going to find her supervisor.. hehe!
-U siNg LikE an AnGeL.. and tOooK mEe tO hEavEeN-
10:48 AM