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Saturday, April 30, 2005Y

sians la.. mon the co from 12pm to 5pm lehs.. which is like.. so long!!! very tiring 1 lehs.. hmmmpt.. hais bored.. dun wanna continue.. hate this chaotic life..

-let me off.. give me freedom..-

heart blue w/ glitter 9:49 PM

Friday, April 29, 2005Y
hey long time no see!

wahahha.. been neglecting blog for this week.. simply too busy cos of syf.. meant to blog just now.. now 12.24am le.. so come crap abit den go slp le.. hahhaha.. so tired.. tml need wake up early to go co.. know y? cos ful dress rehearsal.. yes.. plus makup n stockings n all that crap.. yucks.. hais.. syf waste so much $$ mans.. bought a long sleeve shirt which i think will only use for this syf.. den they still wan us to buy eye shadow n stockings n wadsoever.. hais.. boring..

eyes v tired.. have to get up early tml.. so going sleep now.. so much to say n so little time.. anyways think i'm getting more n more addicted to animes.. really gotta study!!! n hopefully after syf can finally start on my revision.. yes!! i really need to start!! or else die la.. n i think i'm the latest to start alr.. oh ya btw sis's harmo got gold with honours.. so they're beat harmo band in singapore now.. hahaha.. for this yr's syf la.. lols.. hope she pass some of her good luck to me.. hehes.. aiming for silver.. :P

-never give up on ur dreams.. no matter how impossible they may seem...... my dream is to sleep, play, watch anime, nv have to go to sch n still very clever + have lots of $$.. hahaha!!-

heart blue w/ glitter 10:46 PM

Sunday, April 24, 2005Y

got chem spa on mon!!! arghhhhhhh.. haven study.. dieeeeeeee.. tons of hw.. lots of tuts haven do.. like math n chem n bio n phy.. ermms phy haven teach fin so not counted.. but the rest??!!!! still aLOT.. den still got to do stupid gp essay... arghhhhhhhhhh sure spend super long thinking how to even start the essay.. n think got chem test next wk xcept nobody even inform us!!! lousy chem tcher.. den the day after syf.. got 2 tests!!! math n bio!!! DIEEEeee..

gonna be so dead.. still slacking now.. hais.. next week is going to be so hectic.. got so many co practices den still got to do hw + study for stupid tests.. yest din meet any1 at all.. n spent my whole day sleeping.. but still not enough sleep!!! arghhhhhhhhs.. and today i din go my dad's shop too.. nobody call me up lehs.. guess they think that bigky n ah boy is enuf to help out there? ok la.. can let me rest.. but i dun think i'm going next week either.. that co going to take aaway labor day hol on mon den tues is syf den wed i got 2 tests!!! how to study if i still go dad's shop on sun?!?!! hais.. tians n ah boy got exams coming also.. arghhhhhhhhh

hmmm just wondering.. if i burned music files as mp3 into a cd.. den can i listen to the songs? cos i burned a cd yest.. n a waste of cd if u ask me.. only burned like 43mb into the 700mb cd.. but i'm not sure if can listen to the songs anot.. bigky brought it to dad's shop i think.. got lots of nicenice anime songs.. although the rest of the songs not really very recent la.. din go n dl any songs recently.. n dunno got wad new songs also.. aiya.. i also no listen to radio.. n of cos i got no $$$ to buy cds la.. but got any nice songs recommend me ok? hahaha

stupid blog.. cant add song into the thingy.. or else everything will be gone.. think i gonna change blogskin soon den.. so next time can add songs inside.. hahaha.. aiya.. actually i dunno la.. i think got no time also.. gotta start preparing for block test2 n prelims n A's already.. cant stand it that i'm so slack.. but........ it's really hard to change!!! tryingtryingtrying.. gotta try harder.. n i think i should stop eating so much.. turning into a big fat pig!! hmmmmmmm going to do hw after lunch.. feeling hungry le.. hais..

and did any1 realise that 2 of the 'n's in the word 'connection' at the top right hand corner of my blog can be clicked? hmmmmm actually it's supposed to be a blank page den click 1 of the 'n' den the entries will come out.. den the other 'n' is my profile n other crap.. but hors.. dunno y it's the entries that were shown when u come to my blog n not a blank pg.. hmmmm dunno n dun care.. there's so many things i wanna buy.. n of cos.. i got no $$$$$$.. hp bill's really high.. tell u.. i'm not going.. nv again going to dl midis alr.. super EX!!! burned big hole in pocket.. n the 1s i'd alr got is so many that i dun think i'm going to use each n every1 of them.. -.-

i fin watching fma.. finally.. awwwwwwwwww... it's so SAD!!!!!!!! T_T hais.. so so so so sad... so weird.. the show can also be super funny at times when u're actually supposed to feel sad.. haha.. that's y it's so nice right? the bond.. the love between those two brothers.. is so great and super touching.. and all the other characters.. all so sad n touching.. hais.. really love that show.. really really love it.. it's got so much to love about!!! hais.. so sad.. the show end le.. i wanna watch the movie!! hahaa.. but coming out in like summer this yr, they say? aiya dunno.. gotta dl it n watch it when it come out.. haaa

-look beyond that deceiving image.. u may find someone to love behind there..-

heart blue w/ glitter 11:37 AM

Friday, April 22, 2005Y

i'm bored.. thirsty also.. cos eating chips now.. salty.. lols.. hmmm issit increase in NaCl conc. den will have more reabsorption in kidney den need drink more water? lols.. aiya all these kidney crap i cant really rmb la.. -.- haha.. hmmmmmmm tml ym like cant make it.. sians.. maybe only me n jj meeting lors.. hais.. sad.. lols.. n i need to go replace my atm card la.. think going with tians after my co la.. since she wanna go make also.. lols

today at co hors.. hahahha super funny.. cos they all watch the video mahs.. they took during our rehearsal.. den keep critising erhu section tat we got wad 'dead fish face' n wad look like wooden blocks.. -.- so we wanna prove that actually we can be v good 1.. den hors.. hahahha so funny la.. we got sectionals den we all learn how to move la.. super fake n funny but dun care.. wanna show them esp ermmms her.. aiya i super busy.. gotta help cousin with something.. n inuyasha's back!!!! wahahhaha.. but is repeat lehs... stupid arts central duno how to buy new 1.. -.- ok la..

-over the skies-

heart blue w/ glitter 10:07 PM

Thursday, April 21, 2005Y

i forgot wad i wanna say alr.. actually think i got lots to complain abt.. but my mem super poor.. haha hais.. tml got co i v sad.. from 3-5.30.. but i released at 12.45 tml.. wad am i going to do tml???!! -.- sians.. n next fri co till 9pm!!!! arghhhhhhhhh hate this mans.. no time le la.. got all the tests n spas coming up.. n i still abit slacking.. i noe cos i keep watching anime almost every night n din do hw.. arghhh..

hmmmmmmmm keep falling aslp during lectures.. hais.. that's bad.. like fall aslp during almost every lecture.. den in the end dun understand a thing.. how am i going to pass my tests like this??!!! argh.. think i must set new resolutions for myself from today onwards:
1. stop falling aslp during lectures no matter hard boring the lecturer is.. omg that's so DIFFICULT!!
2. fin my tut b4 the tut lesson
3. study at night if possible
4. stop watching so much tv!!! omg THIS is the MOST DIFFICULT!! haaa

haha.. lots of nice shows coming up lehs.. n of cos.. there's my addiction to animes also la.. hais.. bro got exams next week.. think we cant watch fma together le.. arghhhhhhh so sad.. hais.. animes' songs ae so nice.. hmmmmmmm hehes.. keep listening.. lol.. hmmm i think i gng off le.. lots of things need to do.. n my cousin go send me so many mp3s that my 3mb++ free spce become 54kb.. den have to delete lots of video to make space.. hmmm lols..

-although things are already this way.. i still hope for miracles-

heart blue w/ glitter 9:17 PM

Tuesday, April 19, 2005Y
tired.. bored.. sleepy

sians.. v tired.. cos got stupid 2.4 today.. totally killed me cos after that i sort of cant move after that.. super tired for the rest of the day.. fell aslp during phy n gp tut!!! tut lehs!!! usually is like sort of doze off but still not so bad.. today really like fall aslp.. -.- v stupid lehs.. legs so painful.. hmmm so tired today.. din do hw.. still have co today from 5-7 somemore.. speaking abt it.. still feel somewhat angry lehs..

they so bad la.. keep saying we din move.. den nv say other sections.. all also nv move wad.. so biased.. den after that still wan erhu section to stay back n arrange back the chairs.. only our section!! like other sections nv sit on the chairs also.. so angry.. always zhen1 dui4 erhu 1.. ok la.. maybe some of them like percussion n yang2 qing2 n cello den v heavy need to carry.. but those like liu3 qing2 quite light lors.. arghh.. wad the..... dun care if any1 see this le la..

hmmmm quite thirsty today.. must be stupid pe la.. haiz.. v sad.. so long nv watch fma le.. cos it's either me or my bro who're not free den cant watch la.. sians din do hw today.. tml got some stupid dialogue session den after that still got CO!!!! arghhhhhhhh.. so tired mans.. think i gonna go sleep soon.. cant rmb wad i wanna say again.. arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.. tml got 4periods gp!!! gonna sleep again.. oh my gosh.. hate sch..

really need to study now.. always de2 guo4 qie3 guo4 not good nehs.. always so blur during tuts n dunno how to ans the ans.. hais.. that's sad nehs.. cant wait for exams n A's to end.. den i can be freeeeeeeee.. haha.. wanna go work n earn some money den can support my anime craze.. hais.. just now talked to my last time 1st 3 months nj fren, HM.. den she also big anime fan.. except she watched everything on animax.. n those that she'd watched sounds so nice also!!! though i haven watch b4 la.. hais..

sians.. i dl-ing naruto epi2 now.. guess i influenced by my cousin la.. he loves naruto.. so i wanna watch also.. jj say she gonna get the cd back.. but dunno when's that.. i'd watched the 1st epi le mahs.. so wanna see the 2nd epi see how.. haha.. still left half an hr++ den even if dl fin today den also cant watch la.. i super tired.. i wish i got animax also lehs.. den can watch.. it'll be so cool la.. haha.. think i quite addicted to animes le.. fma rocks!! hahaha

sians.. i super broke.. have to pay my bills.. den it's super super ex.. cos i think i dl=ed too much songs la.. stupid m1.. the gprs super ex 1.. hais.. dunno can save enuf $$ anots.. since i sort of revert back to the time where i eat super many meals in school.. must be co's fault.. till so late make me hungry mahs.. -.- still have to pay stupid co fund.. $12 so much!!! last time say $10 now increase to $12.. angry nehs.. really really so poor.. hais.. i wanna work!!! :(

-eyes half closed.. but i still know what u're thinking..-

heart blue w/ glitter 9:51 PM

Saturday, April 16, 2005Y

i like gyuunyuu why ed dun like.. hahhaa!!! anyways gyuunyuu means milk la.. he v funny 1.. ehs.. i just went to a website la.. there got show 30 top jap phrases from fma.. so must learn abit.. mame means bean.. lol.. think comes from mamestubu which means pint-sized.. poor ed.. always got called a bean cos he so small size.. lols!! inu means dog lehs.. reminds me of inuyasha.. so wad does yasha mean? hahha.. i think jap language v cool lehs.. hahhaa.. wanna learn.. :) but i abit busy nehs.. hmmmm n i've got lousy mem so most prob cant rmb a thing!!! -.-

today co got ppl come n take our photos cos of our performance on dunno which day of may den dunno why they need the pics of when we're practising also.. shrugs.. but that person v fast leave.. today dun have sectionals also.. cos instructor sick.. he so weak? hahaa.. den hors.. today our junior teach us how to yao2.. haha.. as in move/sway to the music? lols.. except i v jiang1 ying2 n cant la.. so stiff n aiya dunno wad la.. yawns so sleepy..

hmmmm today so many ppl come lib do hw wif me.. wahhaha.. got jj n pot n ym.. lols.. quite good la.. xcept i din do much also la.. cos tupid chem v difficult n den probability is even worse.. dunno how to do so many qns.. hais.. hmmmm i wanna go watch the nkf show le.. cos hors.. last week i din get to watch mahs.. hahha.. got so much to say.. but no time!!! wahhaha.. buais.. ciao till next time..

-i like flying the skies-

heart blue w/ glitter 10:30 PM

Friday, April 15, 2005Y
wooot!! it's friday!!! :)

wahahhaa.. abit busy the past few days so cant blog.. lols.. busy watching tv that is.. wahahha.. no la.. i got do hw 1 hors.. anyways.. this weekend like alot of hw also.. hais.. stupid la.. like so busy sometimes.. den super slack sometimes.. like now.. so slack.. read tons of things on animenewsnetwork.. damn good website.. hahaha.. opps.. spent too much time on the wensite n neglect my poor bloggie.. lols.. since now is 6.30pm alr n i start writing this entry at ard 3+? lols..

hmmmm yest got co rrehearsal.. from 7pm to 11pm!!! reached home at 11.45 cos YW's dad longbang me.. luckily or else dunno how am i going to reach home.. SCH is so far la.. stupid.. but at there sound quite nice.. haha.. better den in co rm anyways.. though also not really super good la.. hmmm just closed many of my windows.. so wont get distracted anymore.. except that it's dinner time alr. n i've got to eat.. been staring at comp for too long alr den think later will watch fma when bro gets back from sch.. wahahha

hmmmm oh ya abt yest.. u noe rite.. when we play erhu we're supposed to sort of move la.. sort of sway abit la.. hahaha.. but it's actually abit fake but we're supposed to do that so wad to do.. den we got try.. actually got move abit 1 lehs.. den how the blackface ghost(bfg for short la) still come n duo1 guan2 xian2 shi4 n say we din move.. v idiotic lehs.. so busybody.. make us dislike her even more.. dots.. btw the bfg not i make up 1 is my fren gaive the name 1.. hahaha..

hmmm i cant rmb wad i gonna write le la.. always when i wanna write something den come use comp den i in the end go find anime things n forgot wad i wanna say originally.. lols.. haha me n jj making plans for when we start to work den got $$ le den must go shop for animes together.. lols.. so funny..

this tues just had napha den make my legs pain till today though we only do 5 stations.. n i think i got to redo cos of incline pull up n shuttle run.. n my standing board jump also!!! sians.. aiya..
i got headache nw.. maybe stared at comp for too long le.. i'm gonna take a rest.. hmmmm hais..

-Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. That is alchemy's first law of equivalent exchange. In those days we really believed that to be the world's one and only truth.-

heart blue w/ glitter 3:32 PM

Saturday, April 09, 2005Y
busy day...

hmmmm 2 days nv blog le.. been busy watching fma.. haha.. reminds me of ym.. cos me n jj meet with her to day at je lib to do hw.. and whenever we said fma rocks.. den she'll show a -_- face.. haha.. cos she says it reminds her of f-math syllabus a.. fma also.. lols.. got so much hw this weekend dunno whether can fin alot.. also like no time to study lehs.. got stupid cca den tons of hw den tml most prob going dad's shop to help out again.. hais..

hmmmm i'm like watching 4 animes now la.. fma, last exile, gundam n shaman king.. -.- not like i got lots of time or wad.. so i better quickly finish watching them den must start serious work.. other animes den wait till end of A's lor.. cant wait for A's to end.. den got long holidays.. but i think i'm gonna work also.. v broke.. n hors.. stupid bigky n tians haven pay me back my $$$!!! make me so broke today.. hmmmm...

today at co so sians la.. got wad stupid erhu 'test' thingy.. waste super many of my time.. of else i can fin more of my chem 1 lor.. wan to test us after co den straight away test la still drag drag drag.. waste our time!!! make me super hungry also!!! by the time i reached je 2.30+++ alr la!!! stupid!!! n hors.. i played till v bad.. argHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! very unhappy.. till i met up with jj they all la.. den laugh alot.. hehes..

ym dl tons of songs again.. so rich nehs.. lol think she addicted to dl-ing ringtones.. dun think she'll every use up her ringtones lor.. how many did she have? around 100 bahs? lols.. hmmm been searching for edwarcd's pics... wahhahaa.. found some only.. but nvm got lots of website to go to.. however when i see that the most popular characters they say are hughes, hawkeye n mustang.. abit sad la.. stupid ppl.. anyways.. i'll still like edward the most.. hais..

okay.. maybe i should stop this anime or fma talk alr.. eveerytime write so much abt it.. den ppl come read also abit sians.. wahahhaha.. think i'm gonna fin my gp compre today.. tml do math n den the stupid electrochem which i dunno a thing abt thaks to noone except my very own chem tcher.. n also the qns v difficult.. i hope i will become cleverer.. hais.. tutorials n exams are driving me NUTS!!! okay.. i noe there're thousands of j2s out there who're facing the same thing.. so i'm not going to collapse no matter wad.. so my frens out there.. persevere on!!! ehs how do u spell that? i dunno la.. bleahs.. haha

hmmmm got back everything for block test alr.. think i got something like CDEO n C6 for gp.. have to work harder from now on.. think i go watch tv now.. later den do hw.. think tians going to do hw late at night also.. so maybe got company.. =) jia you bahs!!!

-The punishment imposed upon those who have transgressed into the realm of the gods...-

heart blue w/ glitter 8:11 PM

Wednesday, April 06, 2005Y
full metal alchemist!!!!! wahahhaa..

fma rocks!!! wahahhaa.. so the very the nice.. funny.. n super sad!! omg.. only reach epi 8 den so sad le.. n jj said iit's going to be more sad later.. awwwwwww.. edward n alphonse.. hehehes.. really really nice la.. super duper hyper NICE!! wahahha.. chibi chibi.. lols.. only jj noe that word.. ;) after A's we're going to piah all the animes.. it'll so fun!! hahaha..

yest pe v bad la.. mr H made us do so many things.. make my stomach so pain today.. stupid.. sians.. v boring every day.. keep falling aslp during lectures.. actually today not so bad.. i made it through chem n bio.. but died at phy.. -.- super boring.. like giving vocab lesson the whole time.. lols..

watched till epi 11 of fma.. so nice.. but have to stop la.. to do some work.. lols.. hmmmm it's so hot.. but it'd been raining the whole evening! ... weird weather.. ok la.. must go do work le.. maybe pack gp file? lols..

-i'M rUnNinG a hIgH feVeR.. aNimE fEveR..-

heart blue w/ glitter 8:57 PM

Friday, April 01, 2005Y

jie da huan xi last epi today.. very happy.. cos it's so funny.. but also v sad.. cos it ended le.. n i really love that show.. so nice!! will miss it alot! :)

-.- today is the 4th of april alr.. i wrote that like last fri.. den halfway got distracted by my sisters.. ... den cant write alr la.. because after they nao4 fin den so late alr.. sat n sun also not free.. sat got co den after that went lib with ym.. sun went dad's shop for whole day.. so many days nv blog le.. 4got all that i meant to say.. see la.. got gaps between entries.. haha!

v busy.. need go do hw le.. 9+ le.. wad am i doing online??!!! wasting time.. lol.. hmmm i really need to harden my resolve.. and always do hw whenever i reached home.. and den at night can study.. block test 2 coming.. n according to WT.. only 84 days to go.. n i wasted today.. :( hmmm... jj was saying she dunno whether she'd drop bio.. cos too much to study.. hais.. i dunno also.. cos my bio also quite lousy.. n i always no time to study also.. n my mem so lousy.. hais.. -frustrated-

haha.. just now watched meng4 xiang2 qi3 fei1.. really nice!!! Takuya Kimura is really shuai!!! haha.. real funny too.. the show.. veryvery nice.. n my tv right.. we dunno how to change to chi.. den listen to their original jap 1.. so v nice also.. wahhahaha.. lols.. aiya.. y got all the nice nice shows.. den i cant concentrate on studies again.. aiya ok la.. need to do hw le.. sad :(

-aS loNg As U tRy.. tHerE's sO suCh thInnG as faiLuRe..-

heart blue w/ glitter 8:53 PM