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Monday, October 27, 2008Y


- waiting for 28th -

heart blue w/ glitter 12:26 AM

Wednesday, October 22, 2008Y

i guess so.. is that the reason i keep dropping hair? save my hair!!!

their song is sad.. )=

anyways.. if buy mayday's new album got coupon to exchange tic to go their new song concert(think next year).. so worth it.. so everyone go buy k? hahas

ok enough of that.. today is happy day(irony? hahas).. cos i say: byebye ms3005 project!!~

finally presentation over.. think ok but i guess i too nervous as usual.. my teammates are all great.. oh n marlene treat us to donuts after the presentation(left from the distribution hahas).. den went canteen 2 to have dinner.. den come home.. den watch mayday's new mv.. tml their album out.. can listen online 1st.. so.. i guess this week will continue to be a happy one..

oh ya.. met ym so many times in sch today.. cos she wanted to collect the exam goody bag.. den see her in north spine which was rare.. hahas.. long time since we meet n talk so much crap.. her 'punch' quite painful though.. lol

ok.. minna ganbatte for the CAs to come n exams!! (=

- tired -

heart blue w/ glitter 9:59 PM

Sunday, October 05, 2008Y
出头天 mv?

dunno if it's the official one or not.. but.. soooooooooo cuuuuuuuuute~~ hahas

makes me laugh.. which is a good thing..

- be happy! -

heart blue w/ glitter 11:36 PM

Thursday, October 02, 2008Y
to stay awake b4 exams!~

what will you do? drink chicken essence like mad? hit yourself? do exercise? or like what i always do.. go to sleep! hehes..

here's a way~ (click on it to expand)

hahas.. i totally laughed out loud on that.. one of the funniest part from the manga.. the girl is even stupidier than tenma(from sch rumble) in a way.. but.. i like this girl better.. hahas.. super funny..

ok time to do 3002 assignment b4 i forget..

- wish i could do better -

heart blue w/ glitter 9:56 PM