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Tuesday, January 01, 2013Y
goodbye 2012...

2012 is one of the faster years i had ever been through.. as i waved goodbye to it and welcome 2013 (while watching fireworks on ch 5).. suddenly i feel very sad..

no idea why.. or maybe deep down i know why.. but just don't know how to explain it??

as i looked back at 2012.. i really have achieved nothing.. maybe this pang of sadness i'm feeling is.. "another year gone? and what have i accomplished??"

i didn't set any resolution for 2012.. purposely did so.. because i knew.. i couldn't have made them come through.. hate myself for that..

so on 1/1/2013.. i wanted to write this down.. to make the effort to change.. to LIVE.. not only in my fantasy..

one yr later.. will i come back n see this post and feel sad again?.....

i.... just don't want to regret.. because.. it's not guaranteed that tomorrow will come.. right?

heart blue w/ glitter 1:53 AM

Tuesday, April 03, 2012Y
suddenly have the urge to blog

actually have been having this urge for some while.. but just didn't find the time or effort to do it.. on mc today.. might as well? hurhur

been reading 1Q84 over the last weekend at msia.. after dropping it for like some time since i bought it.. only read that night after i bought it.. then it has been sitting in the kino plastic bag till i brought it to msia..

when reading it.. suddenly have this strong feeling of nostalgia.. kept thinking.. like when we were students.. how simple life was back then.. we only have to worry about homework.. n to a certain extent.. exams.. but the sad truth is.. time waits for noone.. as we wake up day after day.. even if nothing really happened.. our lives have advanced a day.. n slowly but surely.. u r leaving everything you thought was your world behind.. and in this world you are in now.. how r u fulfiling ur role in this world? is this the life you had imagined it would be??

rhetorical questions..

that's y.. they say u shldn't look back.. cos no matter how u crave how you desire.. those time past.. had passed.. you already missed the opportunity back then.. T.T when i look at those students now.. my cousins.. listened to my colleagues grousing about their kids.. it's like i'm an onlooker.. but no.. didn't i went through that before???? living as a student.. where life was so simple! there might be good times and bad times.. but eventually these times came to pass.. time just cant be turned back.. and i'm no longer the person i once was.. no matter how.. even if i could go back now.. i wouldn't be the same as me back then.. sure.. the fundamentals of the myself i believe in would retain.. but what is it that has changed? is it something called.. experience?

many thoughts in my mind.. but no answers..... well.. it wouldn't be called a life, without its share of mysteries? lol

ok.. back to the book.. hmmm.. how to describe it.. i really don't know.. even after reading like more than 2 thirds of it.. if u ask me what sort of book it is.. i won't be able to describe anyway.. i wouldn't called it a mystery, nor a thriller.. not quite a fantasy (not as what i would be inclined to think of it as).. love story? but.. the 2 main chars didn't quite meet till almost 900 pages of the book.. cant help but lost my patience and flipped to the almost ending part where they finally met.. =x

nt to say it is a book i definitely enjoyed alot.. the way it was written is not a style i identify with.. there's definitely no humor.. n it's descriptive almost to a fault.. but just have this strange attraction (?).. which makes u wanna quickly read from page to page.. cos u wanna find out how the story goes! just that.. i'm really way too impatient for it most of the time i skimmed through the passages to get through it.. hurhur..

enjoyed aomame's part more than tengo's too..

anyw.. think it's good i bought it to read.. shld get back to my old habit of reading.. even if it's bit by bit.. (:

- work tml! -

heart blue w/ glitter 4:58 PM

Wednesday, May 19, 2010Y
b4 flying to beijing~

i'm still scared of flying..

always cant seem to shake off the feeling smth bad is going to happen when ever i go overseas.. haha reminds me of ussop.. i have the cant-get-on-plane-n-into-another island disease.. though i'm like super excited to go overseas everytime..

oh ya.. another thing.. my birthday.. feels weird.. maybe as i get older the more i don't feel excited about this day.. 越老越不想庆祝.. maybe cos i wanna forget this is the day i grew older? haha but still v thankful for all the best wishes~ 我会好好的~ 哈哈

LOVE MY FAMILY N FRIENDS! (: (must say this b4 i go overseas everytime.. hurhur)

- oops going to be late -

heart blue w/ glitter 1:56 PM

Tuesday, April 20, 2010Y
五月天 歌词 生活化用法

found this accidentally when i was searching for 一棵苹果's 歌词.
just think it's really cute and funny.. haha brighten up my mugging days..

*note*- please enlarge the webpage to read the chi words.. eg. press ctrl n scroll your mouse middle button.. lol

...爱情失利时:为啥米为啥米为啥米 为啥米又搁是我伤心
... 回家一进门:冰箱上有字条桌上有菜 电锅里面有饭
...老妈更年期——前一秒明明心情糟 这一秒突然变好
... 同桌想心事的时候:没有关系你的世界 就让你拥有不打扰是我的温柔
...等人的时候:下定决心我决定用恒星的恒心等你 等你
...许诺的时候:勾勾手盖手印这一刻 有约定
... 郁闷的时候:我好想好想飞逃离这个疯狂世界
...被父母唠叨的时候:能不能不要说 其实我不是不懂
...遇上红灯的时候:有没有一个希望 让我去闯
...孤单的时候:哪一个人爱我将我的手 紧握
... 上班迟到的时候:为什么要给我一颗跳动的心脏却忘了给我飞翔的翅膀
... 在路上遇到盲人:天边风光身边的我 都不在你眼中
...别人问你的特长:柔道插花街舞 调酒 这些我都学过

ones are my faves.. but really i'll 不小心 bold everything.. hahaha cos everyth is so appropriate..

adding one more:

anymore suggestions? i don't rmb which lyrics belong to which song la.. just have some 印象 for most of them.. hurhurhur maybe can play a guess the song game.. if i rmb all the songs n tunes i think will be funnier.. each situation to a song~ ^^

- don't know who will read this post though lol -

heart blue w/ glitter 4:40 PM

Monday, December 21, 2009Y

i dreamed of at least 2 scary dreams just now.. scaryyy~~

1st one is of vampires.. don't know why i had the dream.. but it was so vivid n super scary.. the location is at my ahgong house.. then dunno why my family tried to catch a vampire but fail end up need to stop the vampire from knowing we are in the house then close all the windows n dram the curtains to prevent them from coming in.. i had to force myself awake to stop dreaming about it.. scaryyy..

then after than there's a stupid bird keep chirping at my window there.. then i dreamed of the bird building a nest on top of my window.. then its kids(baby birds) keep dropping down to eat something that was scattered by someone(forgot who's the idiot) at the window ledge.. super disgusting.. the baby birds look like insects.. yuck.. but i also woke up half way.. lucky..

3rd dream! i dreamed i woke up.. then it's already 1+pm when i'm supposed to meet pot they all at 11am.. scare me la!! then i v ganjiong in the dream and then i convince myself it is a dream and go back to sleep.. then i really woke up n realised it's a dream.. hahaha.. sometimes bad things happen to you and you'll wish everything is only a dream.. but usually i only think that everything is a dream in my dream.. ok if anyone get what i mean.. haha

changed blogskin but this one v obvious made by same person as my previous blogskin.. the tagboard no time to do.. maybe next time.. n maybe i will try to figure out how to add the comments page..

wahh going to be late le..

- a return to blogsphere? heh -

heart blue w/ glitter 9:50 AM

Saturday, July 11, 2009Y
je sui en france!

i'm in france! ok it's kinda stupid.. but i have to type that.. since it's my last night here alr.. haha last night post 1st post about france.. good.. except.. i havent really...... pack my luggage.. ooops =X

i'll miss this place.. ALOT! ppl are like that.. only will miss smth when u're leaving/losing it.. but i will be back.. in the future! hahahaa

love my room so much!

prob will miss the freedom here.. haha..

ok la.. will update more about this trip once i'm back in sg.. now.. go pack!

au revior! bon nuit! n bonjour singapour in 2 days!

- feels sad -

heart blue w/ glitter 5:43 AM

Wednesday, July 08, 2009Y
korea part 2!!

since i have a lil time(procrastinating to study for my french test tml.. haha) i shall cont my prev post..

korea! yeah pot.. i missed south korea alot looking at those pics too..

after everland.. we went some mountain..
our room for the night.. with a kitchen n all.. but don't really like the place..
the resort we stayed in
the mountain
going into the temple
one of my fave whole family pic! (:

the temple
drinking for the 'spring water' ?

haha posing with the buddha

on the way down from the temple:
i love this pic! like so romantic.. (:
the kids have an excursion there.. they all have the same hairstyle!
have to take the pics secretly.. haha.. the same bangs and plastic rim glasses..

went to the hot spring at the resort after that:

went to the farm for the atv ride(which is nth fantastic =x)

this amuses the hell out of me.. hahaha
she needs a second rescue! haha tian dear.. i worry abt ur driving test.. (:

eeewwww sheeps:

hahas.. with the exception of papa n mama.. i think all 4 of us have a terrified expression on our faces though we're smiling.. HAHA.. esp me.. the sheep eat so violently! by the time my pic was taken.. they'd alr finished =.= ahha.. my photo is the funniest.. posing with an empty bowl..

ok enough of sheeps.. we're making cheese!:

pour the milk in
stir at.. i dunno low or high temp.. should be low la..

putting in flowers for the decoration

add the churned milk

squeeze the water out
tong xin xie li! anyways thnk we used too much strength cos the cheese we make is quite.. firm.. how to describe? hmmm like those tao pok instead of soft tofu.. aiya ok ignore me..
tada~ the finished product!

to eat it:
take a piece of cracker(maybe u cannot see from the pic)
den a piece of cheese
take another piece of cracker n scoop some jam on top
add together(like a hamburger)
n then eat it! yummy!
eat with wine.. this wine is nice!! i like it better than those i drink in france.. =X

off to another resort for the night:
kitchen which we didn't use
our bed/living room

can see we really love the place.. haha really it's nice!

sleeping with tatamis:

it's not the most comfortable bed.. but it's alright.. quite an experience.. don't mind sleeping in it again..

i'll skip the korea folk village photos.. v sian of uploading photos to blog.. v slow..

kimchi making and korean wear:
haha b4 we start let's have a pic.. lol

i like this pic.. hehe

grp photo!

last hotel and our 战利品:
hotel room is small ):
clothes! mostly not mine la.. lol
the facial stuff! gosh.. but alot is buy for others la.. haha the luggage is a free gift from face shop.. imagine we go in empty handed and come out with a luggage.. funny

au revior!(i dunno byebye in korean! ): )

at the airport:
making our last souvenirs..

our proud art pieces! haha mine's the ugliest..

truth is.. i wanted to spend a lil time blogging.. ended up using 2hrs! gosh.. want to end with these few pics.. which is my deepest regret in korea.. ):

the story begins with the peach drink i bought during my 1st night in jeju.. cos the weather is cold i didn't drink in during the 2 nights i was in jeju.. n i brought it with me to the korea main land.. hence it began its trip with us through the 6 days..

at the 1st mountain resort
at the 2nd mountain resort
at the last hotel....

and its final resting place:
cos i put it in the fridge i forgot about it and didn't bring it with me as i leave the hotel and korea.. SO SAD! it accompanied me for the whole trip! T.T

don't care.. i'm gng to hunt down the stupid drink in sg n drink it.. ):

ok i shld go off.. au revior!

- tired -

heart blue w/ glitter 9:59 PM